
From PhalkeFactory

On February 1, 1912, Phalke left for London and got busy immediately on lending. With the help of the addresses in catalogues, he went round several cine-equipment shops to select the machinery. “But I was confused with the competitive claims of each machinery dealer”, writes Phalke in Mouj issue of 1939. “Then I saw the board of Bioscope Cine – Weekly near Piccadilly Circus. I went inside and registered myself as a subscriber of the weekly first. Then I saw the editor I my role as a subscriber. Mr. Cabourne, the editor, discouraged me first, pointing out that a number of producers even in England were not successful at film production. But when he realized my will and determination, when he knew my proficiency in the arts and crafts, which go in film production Mr. Cabernet on all aspects of films production. By now cabourne had become the friend, philosopher and guide of Phlake and helped him to buy the best available Williamson camera, printing machine, a perforator and some raw negative film priced reasonably. Cabourne went further and introduced Phalke to Cecil Hepworth, a prominent film producer at Walton. Hepworth gave valuable advise and information to Phalke, allowed him to see all departments of film-making, helped Phalke to shoot some footage with his newly – acquired camera and see the results. And thus ended the short practical course of a week at filmmaking the shortest on record!

“The ideas I had formed in India about film production had matched perfectly with the actual practice in England”. Says Phalke Navyug – 1917. He was, therefore, in a hurry to return to India, fully confident of his abilities. He took the next available ship after a stay of only a fort night and returned to Bombay on April 1, 1912.

from tracing phalke