Phalke outside Prabhat

From PhalkeFactory

Bhalchandra alias Babarya Phalke.

As Prabhat Film Company brought Dadasaheb's story Japani Pankha, we could make a copy of Setubandhan. It had a satisfactory audience response, which improve our financial circumstances. During the Second World Wat, a licence was essential for producing a movie. After Dadasaheb applied to the government in New Delhi, I met V.Shantaram, as he was the president of the IMPPA ( Indian Motion Pictures Producerss' Association). He told me, however that he could not do anything as the government implemented the rules very strictly Hearing this, I was more sorry than disappointed, because merchants of asafoetida, iron and shev gathya, whjo had nothing at all to do with the film industry were becoming producers of films, passing the government's strict tests.I wanted to get our application approved through an instituin like the IMPPA. It was obvious that we had made the first claim. As, however, IMPPA did nothign, we sent the application direct but it was rejected by the government in clear terms. That too only two days before Dadasaheb's death. Earlier, on Dadasaheb's return from a tour of Iran, he had received enough publicity, but it was of no avail. Bhalchandra alias Babarya Phalke.

As Prabhat Film COmpany brought Dadasaheb's story Japani Pankha, we could make a copy of Setubandhan. It had a satisfactory audience response, which improve our financial circumstances. During the Second World Wat, a licence was essential for producing a movie. After Dadasaheb applied to the government in New Delhi, I met V.Shantaram, as he was the president of the IMPPA ( Indian Motion Pictures Producerss' Association). He told me, however that he could not do anything as the government implemented the rules very strictly Hearing this, I was more sorry than disappointed, because merchants of asafoetida, iron and shev gathya, whjo had nothing at all to do with the film industry were becoming producers of films, passing the government's strict tests.I wanted to get our application approved through an instituin like the IMPPA. It was obvious that we had made the first claim. As, however, IMPPA did nothign, we sent the application direct but it was rejected by the government in clear terms. That too only two days before Dadasaheb's death. Earlier, on Dadasaheb's return from a tour of Iran, he had received enough publicity, but it was of no avail.

the proposal to give him work at Prabhat1939