Nicola Tesla

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Has done revolutionary work in the fields of electricity and magnetism. His patents and theoretical work have become the basis for the modern technology of alternating currents.

He was born in 1856, it is said, during midnight, in an electrical storm.

He grew up to have a 'photographic memory', it is said he memorised many books. He later becomes engineer to the country's first telephone system.

He worked at in Paris at the Continental Edison Company.

He was hired by Edison in New York, when he arrived there, to work for Edison's Edison Machine Works. Tesla broke up with Edison when Edison did not pay up a promised amount for a huge amount of work Tesla had done for his company. At one stage of his life, Tesla found himself digging ditches, also for the Edison Company.

He used the time, it is said, to develop his ideas about alternating currents.

In 1886, he formed his own, Tesla Electric Light and Manfacturing Company.

"Ere many generations pass, our energy will be driven by a power obtainable anywhere in the Universe"

Experiments with Alternating Currents of High Potential and High Frequency. February, 1892

he wanted to investigate tapping into energy that is available throughout space.