From PhalkeFactory

Madhavrao Patwardhan procures an old magic lantern to realise his dreams. Eastman introduces a thin, flexible, transparent, cellluloid roll film for the Kodak camera.

The credit for being the first Indian to fly goes to Ramchandra Chatterjee of Calcutta. He was the owner of the Great Indian Circus and a fine acrobat in his own right. on the 4th of May, 1889, in his balloon, 'The City of Calcutta' he scaled a height of 4,000 feet and won the hearts of the people of Calcutta.

At ten minutes past five in the evening, amid the chanting of the purohits, animal sacrifice, a large band and a tumultous gathering,, "The City of Calcutta" took off from the Oriental Gasworks Field. Charged by the euphoria of the watching crowd, Ramchandra let go of the controls of the balloon and began doing acrobatics from within the balloon basket.

This was not Ramchandra's first flight. The same year, on the 10th of April, he went for an hour into the skies along with an Englishman, Percival.(check this line) With just a rudimentary knowledge of balloons got from this experience, and having secured a hydrogen balloon, Ramchandra announced that he would fly on the 27th of April. Advertisements to this effect appeared in Calcutta newspapers. But because of a thunderstorm and heavy showers on that day, the flight had to be postponed.

Letter to TOI

Why do brain workers die early? the horseshoe superstition.

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