The formation of an image on a flat surface by an optical device and a chemical method of sensitizing that surface to a light source so that the image can be captured permanently is photography.

From PhalkeFactory

Phalke’s brother from Baroda is at home, paying the family a visit, and Phalke prevails upon him to take him back to Baroda with him.1886 - 90 - THE MASTER

The next day, Phalke is taken to meet Prof. Gujjar, Principal of Kala Bhuvan, the technical institute under the royal patronage of HH the Gaekwad of Baroda. Forty years ago, I was a student of Kala Bhuvan when Prof. Gujjar was the Principal.

Being pleased with my work in drawing, painting, photography and modeling, Prof. Gujjar not only gave me a scholarship, but was also kind enough to allow me free use of Kala Bhuvan laboratory and studio The product of such facilities and the knowledge I gained in Kala Bhuvan was ‘Phalke’s Photo-engraving and Photo-printing Works.’ The work of this firm was highly appreciated even by foreigners. Mr. W. Ray was the only other person to have a studio of this sort in India at the time.

Let me tell you, my young Kala Bhuvanians

Seeing extraordinary talent in Phalke, Prof. Gujjar puts him in charge of Kala Bhuvan’s photography studio where Phalke makes several experiments in photochemical processes.

He spends days and nights at the Sir Sayaji Rao library, reading 'Photography depends upon two basic operations - the formation of an image on a flat surface by an optical device, and a chemical method of sensitizing that surface to light so that the image can be captured permanently.

‘The first requirement was met by camera obscura, known since the 16th century and used by artists as an aid to sketching.

‘Wedgwood was the first one to make a light-sensitive material when, in about 1800, he treated white leather and paper with silver salt. He used this technique to make prints of leaves and transparent paintings.

‘The first permanent image produced directly by light was made by Nicephore Niepce in 1823 on a bitumen-coated pewter plate exposed for eight hours. ‘In 1839, Daguerre demonstrated the Daguerrotype in which silver surface on a copper plate was sensitized with iodine vapor.

‘Now Daguerre, when he took over Niepce’s invention, was running the Panorama Theatre animated by light shows and movements in the Place du ----- ‘In 1839, Daguerre demonstrated the Daguerrotype in which silver surface on a copper plate was sensitized with iodine vapor.

‘Now Daguerre, when he took over Niepce’s invention, was running the Panorama Theatre animated by light shows and movements in the Place du -----

‘The camera obscura had generated at one and the same time painting, photography and the diorama.

The wet plates require speed, the luck of an alchemist, and the dexterity of an acrobat. Having shot the picture, you return to the dark room, prepare the dark plate, clean it with cotton and brushes, coat it with viscous collodion, immerse it in silver nitrate solution, recover the exposed plate from the camera, and immerse the plate in developer

Phalke also comes into contact with Shankar Moro Ranade, a dramatist who is about to perform ‘Winter Tales’ and his own play ‘Veni Samhar’ at the Maharaja’s palace.

To train his voice, Ranade sends Phalke to the Maulabux Musical School for training in music. Baroda was the place where I could get the technical and fundamental appliances for film production. The great Marathi dramatist, Mr. Shankar Moro Ranade, was my preceptor in the dramatic art. The inquisitive and far-reaching eye of the late Babasaheb (Mr. Ranade) marked out my genius as a poet and an actor, and he

The work of the director of the ‘Veni Samhar’ drama performed by the Baroda College had naturally fallen to my lot. I had a sweet melodious voice, and received full scientific instruction in the Maulabux Musical School of Baroda. I had some interest in magic also. The pursuit of these arts did cause a gap of some years in my study of photography. My magical feats were, however, highly appreciated by all and I used to perform them in the presence of thousands of spectators. On a darkened stage, a large blank canvas was illuminated by limelight.

As he made passes with his right hand, the canvas gradually and mysteriously gave birth to a brighter and brighter painting, Raja Ravi Verma reproduction. I had, however, never intended to be Prof. Phalke the Magician, and soon returned to my original work. The results are announced at Kala Bhuvan.

Dada stands first and is offered a scholarship.

After consulting Prof. Gujjar, he buys his first still camera with the first installment of his scholarship. Phalke’s brother from Baroda is at home, paying the family a visit, and Phalke prevails upon him to take him back to Baroda with him.1886 - 90 - THE MASTER

The next day, Phalke is taken to meet Prof. Gujjar, Principal of Kala Bhuvan, the technical institute under the royal patronage of HH the Gaekwad of Baroda. Forty years ago, I was a student of Kala Bhuvan when Prof. Gujjar was the Principal.

Being pleased with my work in drawing, painting, photography and modeling, Prof. Gujjar not only gave me a scholarship, but was also kind enough to allow me free use of Kala Bhuvan laboratory and studio The product of such facilities and the knowledge I gained in Kala Bhuvan was ‘Phalke’s Photo-engraving and Photo-printing Works.’ The work of this firm was highly appreciated even by foreigners. Mr. W. Ray was the only other person to have a studio of this sort in India at the time.

Let me tell you, my young Kala Bhuvanians

Seeing extraordinary talent in Phalke, Prof. Gujjar puts him in charge of Kala Bhuvan’s photography studio where Phalke makes several experiments in photochemical processes.

He spends days and nights at the Sir Sayaji Rao library, reading 'Photography depends upon two basic operations - the formation of an image on a flat surface by an optical device, and a chemical method of sensitizing that surface to light so that the image can be captured permanently.

‘The first requirement was met by camera obscura, known since the 16th century and used by artists as an aid to sketching.

‘Wedgwood was the first one to make a light-sensitive material when, in about 1800, he treated white leather and paper with silver salt. He used this technique to make prints of leaves and transparent paintings.

‘The first permanent image produced directly by light was made by Nicephore Niepce in 1823 on a bitumen-coated pewter plate exposed for eight hours. ‘In 1839, Daguerre demonstrated the Daguerrotype in which silver surface on a copper plate was sensitized with iodine vapor.

‘Now Daguerre, when he took over Niepce’s invention, was running the Panorama Theatre animated by light shows and movements in the Place du ----- ‘In 1839, Daguerre demonstrated the Daguerrotype in which silver surface on a copper plate was sensitized with iodine vapor.

‘Now Daguerre, when he took over Niepce’s invention, was running the Panorama Theatre animated by light shows and movements in the Place du -----

‘The camera obscura had generated at one and the same time painting, photography and the diorama.

The wet plates require speed, the luck of an alchemist, and the dexterity of an acrobat. Having shot the picture, you return to the dark room, prepare the dark plate, clean it with cotton and brushes, coat it with viscous collodion, immerse it in silver nitrate solution, recover the exposed plate from the camera, and immerse the plate in developer

Phalke also comes into contact with Shankar Moro Ranade, a dramatist who is about to perform ‘Winter Tales’ and his own play ‘Veni Samhar’ at the Maharaja’s palace.

To train his voice, Ranade sends Phalke to the Maulabux Musical School for training in music. Baroda was the place where I could get the technical and fundamental appliances for film production. The great Marathi dramatist, Mr. Shankar Moro Ranade, was my preceptor in the dramatic art. The inquisitive and far-reaching eye of the late Babasaheb (Mr. Ranade) marked out my genius as a poet and an actor, and he

The work of the director of the ‘Veni Samhar’ drama performed by the Baroda College had naturally fallen to my lot. I had a sweet melodious voice, and received full scientific instruction in the Maulabux Musical School of Baroda. I had some interest in magic also. The pursuit of these arts did cause a gap of some years in my study of photography. My magical feats were, however, highly appreciated by all and I used to perform them in the presence of thousands of spectators. On a darkened stage, a large blank canvas was illuminated by limelight.

As he made passes with his right hand, the canvas gradually and mysteriously gave birth to a brighter and brighter painting, Raja Ravi Verma reproduction[[1]]. I had, however, never intended to be Prof. Phalke the Magician, and soon returned to my original work. The results are announced at Kala Bhuvan.

Dada stands first and is offered a scholarship.

After consulting Prof. Gujjar, he buys his first still camera with the first installment of his scholarship. 1889 - BRAHMAGIRI, TRIMBAKESHWAR, SOURCE OF THE GODAVARI / GANGA Brahmagiri vista.jpg

He was nineteen years old.

He was lying on his back on a hill, looking up at the sky.

His camera stood on the tripod to one side.

Suddenly, mist began to creep towards the field.

A cloud of mist enveloped him and hid him from view.

All he could see was white mist.

White blindness, as if he was buried in a cloudbank of mist.

Then a snake slithered through the mist, crawled over his chest and stood above his face with fanned hood.

Rubbing itself against his chest, the snake began to slough off the skin covering its eyes.

Understanding, Govind picked up a cloth on which his head was resting and wiped the snake’s eyes clean.

Having regained its sight, the snake went quietly away.

When the mist cleared, the surrounding hills had turned into the white, snow-covered Himalayan Mountains.

The infinite sun peeped out from behind the infinite mountains.

On all sides the multicolored tree barks of autumn…

Govind was exhilarated by this vision.

This was the source of the Godavari… Brahmagiri.jpg

He captured many beautiful visions in his camera, finally understanding why they painted the Sahyadri Mountains white in the backdrops at Nasik. Brahmagiri vista.jpg

Joyously he began to descend the steps of the fort.

Suddenly, a group of monkeys materialized from thin air and blocked his way.

Seeing their boldness and aggression, Govind became a little fearful.

The monkeys snatched his camera and disappeared again.[title]