Imagining the wiki city

From PhalkeFactory

शहर को जाने के काई द्वार है-.. गेट. जिन सीमेंट और ईंट के पुराने शहरों में यह देखा है, मन रुक कर हर ऊँचे द्वार के रूप को देख कर आँखों की नाँव पर चढ़ बैठता है, निहारने के लिए... वो फैली हुई मछलियाँ जिनके लहराते आकार पर मछली गेट को अपना नाम मिला. वो ऊँचे शेर और उनके बुर्क़े से बालों की टोप, वो हाथी गेट के गज.. सो हमारे फाल्के की जीवनी के यून द्वार हों, शिल्पकारी से सजे.. एक उसके बचपन को जाता, उड़ान खटोले की यात्रा का रास्ता हो, तो एक, बीस बूढ़ी रानियों के वृतांत का रास्ता..एक गेट पर बस बीसवीं शताब्दी की टेक्नालाजी के सपने काढ़े हों, तो..

yes, Italo, older cities are fascinating, you know you will be wonderstruck by the sight of the gateways themselves. The thin, fine differentiation, of the gate of lions from the gate of the fish, augur different narrative trajectories. Here, past the white plastered gates with the lions in their bonnets, sits the lane of small jewellery makers, handcrafters of silver pins and anklet chains. Before them and larger than their entire lane, lies a large dry drain with high dusty banks. Tomorrow evening, you might want to walk out of another gate, so you can step into a city renewed by the promises made by the decorations on the gates.

so of course plaster elephants would not lead to elephants alone, or even at all ( sorry to over explain, but then, no mail is private nowadays), but elephant echoes, presences, roads discovered in parsing that word. I would want the same for this virtual city we are planning. Some homes here were made brick by brick- and then we let ourselves imagine the roads, over time, when almost forgotten ( and perhaps the best dishes Are left unwatched) thick thorny shrubs grew and held onto dusty embankments.

We think we might be ready to try some gates now, to signify what pathways we are beginning to see, and invite you to walk in that a way.

We have read and admired some of your writings, and find a canny resemblance to what we might want to do? You have an enviable ability to take your threads, as they were, in the spaces between the words.

your sincerely, proprietors distributors and sometimes sole viewers( we hear you are kindly inclined towards the invisible and are grateful for the same) phal kwiki

"because a flying saucer is also an aero plane"

The gate of flight: the flying saucer or the उड़ान खटोले (flying cot/cage)

The gate to the puranic story

The mechanised being, his gate

the gate of time

The gate of alchemy

the gate of those dreamers who trace, translate, repeat