Hot air balloons over Flora Fountain

From PhalkeFactory
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SCENE 27 / EX / FLORA FOUNTAIN / BOMBAY / NIGHT / FLASHBACK Kamala is standing by Phalke’s side, her face lit with joy. Tilak has just concluded his speech. Vedic chanting fills the air. A hot air balloon is being prepared for flight. Phalke and Kamala cut through the crowd and approach the site of the launch. A man, Sant Tukaram-like, goes and sits in the balloon, and begins to sing religious songs. The balloon begins to rise into the air. As it lifts off we see Kamala’s face turned upward, surrounded by devotees singing withthe man in chorus until the balloon disappears into the star-filled sky.

from Kamal Swaroop's script on Phalke's life and times ( find and make link)