The gate of alchemy

From PhalkeFactory

the sun is jumping off the polishes surfaces of the shaving mirrors lined on the street side, and slapping potential customers on their faces. who would want to be a customer then. then a large dark shadow like form begins to fill in all those mirrors, it is a cart, a wooden cart, the one my people hope to see when they come to this land, the one painted in water colours, with washes of light through the trees.. what is on the cart is not so clear, it is some bulky material covered with a cloth. is there a man in there, yes there is, some form, of human size, moving. I catch M's arm. M turns and gives his signature childlike smile with its gentle enquiry.. there is something projecting out of the cloth- an accordion.. a music suddenly takes the air and i ask M excitedly, you think this is some local performance under the cloth, on a moving bullock cart?

The story of Panditji. Kamal Swaroop